Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Village Children

We visited a village while in Bali, and had the opportunity to give each child that came out a toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss. Then one of our young ladies, Nikki, gave a lesson on how to properly brush your teeth. Going to a dentist in a third world country is not really a priority for these people, so any help they get is a blessing. They loved all of us taking their pictures...especially the boys (now how does that differ from boys here in the US?)

These girls in this picture gave us a little demonstration of how they dance. It was very beautiful and poignant. However, it was very sad to me how they were dancing when I learned later a little bit more about the dance. I was told by one of the people that took us out to the village that the dance is a dance that the girls learn as children, so that when they get older they can dance in the temples. So more or less it is how they worship to their gods. It was very sad to me, as I see worship as a freedom of my love for God, and their dance was very regimented and controlled.

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