Monday, November 13, 2006

Virtual Cheering Squad

There are many people I know that I would like to cheer up and be a cheering squad for; however, there is one person who is extra special to me!! Her name is Chipo, and she lives in Zimbabwe! This great Virtual Cheering Squad is wonderful for uplifting spirits. Chipo had to move to Zimbabwe due to INS and our inability to wade through the paperwork. This new voicequilt allows a person to have a toll-free number that you can have people call into and leave messages. You then take those messages and turn it into a voice quilt or a virtual cheering squad. Imagine making one of these for Grandma and Grandpa who live across the miles. How bout one for a college student far from home. These are great! Now if postage wasn't so much to Zimbabwe I would actually consider doing this!!!!

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