Monday, June 04, 2007


Here is my favorite youngest nephew Mason. These are some pics I took while visiting over Memorial Day! Even though he looks so cute, he can be a stinker! But I love him can I not when he is such a cutie patootie!

He was having a blast going up and down the slide...this must have be a set up for the next day when we went to the carnival in Moses Lake and all he did was go up and down the slide! Easily amused...I like that!

This is one of those rare pictures of him and me together! It looks like I'm squeezing him...I probably am. It was more than likely the only way I could get a picture of the two of us together!

This was one wasn't staged, and I wasn't forcing kisses on him! He let me kiss him and gave a kiss in return. Those moments when he actually gives you kisses (freely and not coerced) are the best! I have Maddy who gives kisses left and right, but have to wait patiently for them! Sweet Suga'!

This is Mason! He'll be four in more year and he'll be in school. Kind of funny is that is doesn't get to go to school this next year, yet his oldest brother Brandon is graduating next year....quite the age span there! Mason enters Kindergarten when the next in line to graduate starts his Senior year...Josh! When Mason graduates high school the three oldest should be finished with college, starting careers, and possibly be married with kids. When Mason graduates at 18, Brandon will be 31!!!! WOW!

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