I say I Love It with just a bit of sarcasm in my voice because leading up to her stating she is coming over is weeks of her running her fingers through my hair and looking at me with a strange look! I know I don't live up to her expectations of how I do my hair after she cuts it each time, but I'm so low maintenance that bobby pins are my best friend!
I don't usually tell or ask how I want it cut...she just has at it and does what she wants. This time when we looked in the mirror I did ask that she go a bit shorter on top and actually give me bangs (who knows...if there is no hair to put in bobby pins maybe I'll actually "do it" every morning!!).
So after last nights cut this is what I got...
I like it!
I actually did my hair this morning. And I'll probably do it again tomorrow...and possibly the day after!
The only problem I foresee in the future is that I was planning to rat my hair out for Halloween; however, I don't have much hair left to do that to!! That's alright...small price to pay for a FREE cut and color!
Thanks Camille....Job Well Done!!