While reviewing we were discussing vocabulary words...one of them being ATOMIC BOMB!!!! The point was for them to understand we used the ABOMB, where it was used (what people) and so on and so forth!
I had one student insist and I mean INSIST that one of the A-BOMBS was dropped on Pearl Harbor. We discussed it for 2-3 minutes; however, I think he still walked out of class today convinced that I was incorrect and that he was right...an ATOMIC BOMB was dropped on Pearl Harbor.
Hmmm....do you think he will get that question right on the final tomorrow?
PS...the two atomic bombs were dropped by the US in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be exact...just in case you forgot!)
Ooooh, I love anything WWII. Your students are very lucky to have you! I know your are doing a great job!!!
What makes him certain that Atomic bombs were dropped on Pearl Harbor? Doesn't he watch movies? Did you send him Google? Maybe he'll ask his Dad and come back to class tomorrow with his tail between his legs.
Congrats on being featured on SITS!
No I dont think he will but you never know though.
Good lord, that student needs to re-read his history books. No A-Bomb on Pearl Harbor. Even I know that.
Congrats on your SITS day yesterday! I'm a little behind, so I'm visiting today. Hope you got LOTS of comment love.
There's two things that are sad about this:
1. He should have known that WE were the ones who developed and dropped the only atomic bombs, for better or worse. (probably worse, actually, what am I saying?)
2. He should trust his teacher (even if you are only the student teacher) knows better. When did students start to distrust their teachers? (I believe it started back when we, or even our parents, were children...)
I hope he had doubts that he was right, went home to confirm what you said and puts the right answer on the test!
I know SITS seems so cool!! I guess it really works!! Good Luck on the contest!! Thanks for entering!!
He probably went in thinking he knew everything!
Sounds like you are teaching my daughter. SHe will argue with the goats. Even if the truth is in front of her.
Did you know that you are the VERY first person to comment from SITS day, back to me? Wow, thank you. I always leave comments on the "big" day but I know you all get so many comments that I just never expected to get one back. I just thought that was so sweet.
Anyway, thanks!
Thanks for stopping by :)
Aren't you amazed at what some kids think? When I started teaching I wasn't much older than the upper classmen so I think they doubted me at times. Like when they all tried to argue with me that Santa Claus had an "e" on the end (I'll blame Tim Allen for that one). You should have seen their faces when they finally cracked open the dictionary. It's safe to say they trusted me after that. ;)
It's always a test to the patience. Diplomacy and distraction are usually a first best bet.
Wow what stubbornness. I hope he went home and looked it up.
Good grief...no doubt one of his really really smart peers gave him that SOLID info!
Isn't it amazing what people think they know!!!! Hopefully he googles it tonight before the exam tomorrow!
Way to stick to your guns! I would've had to Wikipedia the answer. My history gets jumbled.
THANKS for your nice comment on my blog the other day. SO KIND of you! Do stop by anytime. I'll be peeking in on you, too.
Happy Monday!
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