Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Futbol Anyone!

While in Malaysia with Christopher he took us out to a big field to play soccer. He plays regularly with a bunch of locals...which I am sure is his way of ministering to people as well as having fun.

Not a great close up picture; however, if you see any flash of white skin...that is us! The boys had a great time playing soccer, while the rest of us watched the bats flying around and wondering if any of the cobra snakes in teh jungle behind them would come out and get us!

You always watch those movies where you see piles of people in the back of big trucks and wonder how they can fit anymore in the truck, and is it really safe. And you think to yourself, "I hope I never have to ride in one of those!" Well...we did! This is how we got to the soccer field, all of us piled into the back of a big truck and away we went.

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