Rachel A. McAskill
601 9th Ave SE
Puyallup WA 98372
206-276-9332Family and Friends—
Greetings and Salutations! I pray that you are all well, and that you are enjoying the change from summer to fall. Over in this area, we are finally seeing the rain that we usually expect this time of year. I don’t mind the rain so much, but it has gotten cold very quickly!
I want to share with all of you that I am once again heading back to SE Asia in February. The Masters Commission (an internship program) that I help with at my church is going to Singapore, Malaysia, and Bali Indonesia. We have 26 team members that will be leaving on Wednesday, February 8, 2006, and returning Friday, February 24, 2006. Last year we were able to spend time in various churches in Malaysia and Indonesia, and we will be getting the opportunity to revisit at least one of those churches on our return trip.
Through the generosity of many people, we were able to feed 100 families in two different villages; provide fresh water for one village; buy new instruments for a Bible College; and bring 18 suitcases full of clothes and toiletries, many of which traveled up into the areas affected by last year’s Tsunami. Thank you to all of you who donated, the smiles and hugs that we received were wonderful! I snapped tons of pictures, and the joy that we saw even in the midst of nothing was spectacular. We serve a great God.
This year we will be going to Bali, Indonesia as well, which is the orphan capitol of the world. We will be going into the orphanages there and simply loving on children, telling them of God’s love, and hopefully leaving money to see to the basic necessities of life. While in Bali, we will also be participating in a beach ministry that is already in place. We will be passing out tracts in three different languages and inviting people to a nightly coffee house, which is an established Christian outreach. It is a great opportunity to work with a program already in place, as we know that there will be follow-up with individuals once we come back to the states.
I am asking that you prayerfully considering sponsoring my trip to SE Asia. I have to raise approximately $1300 more of the $3000 needed. All donations are tax deductible, if the check is written to Puyallup Foursquare Church. Please mail all donations to:
Rachel McAskill
Puyallup Foursquare Church
601 9th Ave SE
Puyallup WA 98373I understand that not all of you are able to help monetarily; however, all your prayers are coveted and much appreciated. Once again, thank you for your support. May God’s blessing be on each and every one of you as we share God’s love in places around the world!
Love and Blessings