Thursday, January 03, 2008

Fun Contest

Well, I was checking out Marcie's blog, and she had a link to a fun blog...which in turn had a link to various blogs with different contests going on. The one blog that really interested me was Elysa's blog. From the sounds of it she used to live in Swaziland as a missionary...someday I will get to Africa as a missionary!

Well, she has a New Year's Contest going on right now and the prize is wonderful jewelry that she handmade! The contest? Comment on her blog where you were on New Year's Eve...1989!! Me? I was 15...and I think I was at a church lock-in at Tahoma Assembly of least that sounds right. More than likely I was at home reading a book because I was a bit of a nerd growing up! Check out Elysa's Blog Contest and let her know where you were in 1989!


Rick said...

Thanks for dropping by my blogging and entering my contest. Good luck.

MKD said...

I hadn't had a chance to get out those contests yet, but I think the jewelry sounds cool!