Sunday, December 09, 2007

Team #4

Step up Team Four...Married couple Leanne and Ty (standing in the back with the blue sweatshirt on!)

They actually made a lovely little gingerbread house. They came to the house in the midst of the competition and didn't fully realize that it was a competition and that teams had come up with themes. So they went the traditional, cute way of making a house. I'm sure that their little girl will enjoy the house.

You will notice that the owner's of this house have worked diligently all summer on their is now lush and very, very green. The pathway up to the door is paved and lined....the lights are on the roof, hung properly and a lovely wreath graces the front door! Well done!!!

Team #4 won the award, "Best Traditional (and edible) Gingerbread House!"

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