I haven't been pumping out the blog posts as normal, and that includes my payperpost blog posts as well. The reason? I've just been plain busy.....
....so I thought I'd give you a brief update of my life:
* I started school May 1st, and I am almost finished with my first class. I'm into my second class as well. It is going well, but I am having to get used to being on task and disciplined with schoolwork as it is all online.
* Work: Been busy subbing, and I'll probably be busy through the end of the year. School is out June 20th, so I'll be done probably the week before. Also keeping very busy with KMPS and the various other jobs I have!
* Church/MC: It is almost time for another class of Masters Commission to graduate from my church, Puyallup Foursquare. Our graduation is Sunday June 10th, and our graduation breakfast (up at the fantastic Salish Lodge) is Monday June 11th. So I have been buys getting invitations out, buying gifts, making certificates, putting together the order of service, and on and on....The last month of MC keeps me on my toes. Plus with me transitioning out, and a new director transitioning in we are trying to meet and swap information and have me help him as much as possible. Busy!
* California: Yes, I am still planning on moving. Although I am looking for a few things, or should I say asking God for a few things. The major thing being some type of vehicle. I am praying that someone feels impressed by God to give me a car. So I'm not even going to voice the other options that might be available. I feel like it might happen....but I also know that it might not. I have faith, but I'm not naive to know that God answers prayers in the negative sometimes. Still don't know an exact date that I plan on moving down...I'm waiting for some money to come in that I am expecting and hoping that someone would like to drive down with me! Plus, I then need to find a job through September and a house to live in. Details, details, details!!!
* Finances: So if anyone was to ask me what my finances looked like, I would be very honest and say, "CRAPPY". I admit I made some major credit card mistakes when I was a young teenager/adult and now I am paying for those mistakes. However, I have been diligently trying to get out of debt...it is hard, but it is doable. I still have about $8,000 (it used to be over $13,000), but I will have at least one more credit card paid off and closed BEFORE I move to California....YEAHHHHH!!!!! Slowly but surely whittling down my debt and man does it feel good. PLus I know that I haven't been able to fully move in ministry owing debt like I do.
Anything else that I need to tell you all? Hmmm....I don't think at this time I have anything, but if I think of anything I'll let you know.
Have a wonderfully blessed week. Jesus Loves You and so Do I!!