Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Should I feel bad that two of the kids in my class today got suspended from school until Friday?

Or should I be jumping with joy that the two hardest kids to control will be gone until Friday?

Those are the questions!

Seriously, today was probably one of the most stressful days I've had at school in a long while, and I mean long! I'm in the same class all week, so I should probably be expecting it tomorrow as well. Not only is it a hard class to start with, but we are doing WASL this week as well. And well, it's spring and it's a test. No kid wants to take a test, especially one where there is such strict rules for being quiet afterwards.....we are given 2.5 hours to finish one section. Days like these are days that I feel totally unqualified to be a teacher. That isn't a good feeling to have when my school work came online yesterday and I really need to get going on it!!!

I hope you enjoy the sunshine. And if you are a parent of a student taking the WASL test go easy on them....cut them some slack when it comes to schoolwork this week.

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