Sunday, August 10, 2008

Olympics 2008

Yep, I am one of those totally fanatical people that watches the Olympics from the opening ceremonies to the closing ceremonies. I spent most of Saturday watching events like women's volleyball, beach volleyball, swimming, cycling (it was in the middle of everything else!), and gymnastics!

I don't usually watch TV on my lunch break, but I will watch during the next few weeks! I love watching Michael Phelps...US swimmer, and I am cheering for Megan Jendrick (nee Quann)...US Women's 100m breaststroke swimmer. Not only is she a local girl from Puyallup/Tacoma...but she is the sister of a good friend Laura Bradford (nee Quann).

Susana and I are in discussion (we do this a lot about our future travels) and we think it might be kind of cool to attend an Olympic event. My first opportunity will be in two years when the winter Olympics are held up in Vancouver, WA. But the 2012 Olympics are being held in London...we would like to possibly be there...along with Greece next summer, Brazil sometime soon (I have a cousin moving there with his wife!), and how many other places we can fit into our schedules...or should I say into our finances.

Enjoy the Olympics!



P.S. The 2010 Olympics are being held in Vancouver, BC....not never make silly mistakes like that, its makes me feel smart when I catch them!

Hears to feeling smart today!!!

Rachel Ann said...

I'm a dork!!!