Thursday, July 26, 2007


I was tremendously irresponsible with the usage of credit cards when I was younger, and unfortunately I am paying for it still today! However, let me be an encouragement to all of you. When you are faithful to God, and by this I mean tithing and being obedient, he will bless you beyond your wildest imaginations! At one point in time I had probably 7 credit cards with close to 10,000 dollars on them....that is a lot of money when you don't make much. However, I determined a few years ago to get my act together and work towards being debt free. Nope, I'm not there yet! However, I did just finish paying off another credit card!!! Yeah I love looking at the balance and seeing $0.00!!!!! Plus look at the fabulous car God gave me! I still have a few cards left...but slowly and surely they are getting paid off!

The lesson? Don't be stupid with credit cards! But more obedient to God and He will help you dig out of pits that you create yourself! Don't we serve an awesome God?

1 comment:

MKD said...

WhooHoo! You are right there is nothing better then that feeling of "I did it!" and not longer getting a bill, but getting a reminder of a ZERO balace!
Keep it up Rach! You are on your way baby!