Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've Been Boo'd

Kelley with Amy's Angels Boo'd me today! No, no it's not a bad's a Halloween BOO!
As many of you are aware...I LOVE, LOVE Halloween. I was one of those children brought up to go knock on as many doors as possible gathering that it could be hoarded for weeks...traded with my sister and used as bribery with my parents (ok, ok...I think they just stole the candy! Using that whole razor in the piece of candy as an excuse to eat my chocolate...shame!!!)
We will be dressing up on Friday to go out trick-or-treating and I will put pictures up this weekend. Maddy and I are going as witches and Mason is going as a dirt-bike rider!

If I leave you a "BOO" comment on your blog, come and grab the picture off my navigation bar and put it on your blog!
NOTE: To grab the picture you simply right click on the picture, and choose "Save As" and save it to your desktop or wherever. Then you can upload the picture to your blog. Then once you have done that go BOO some other friends! Happy Hauntings.


MKD said...

I'm going to go as teh Crazy Cat lady. Its probably not going to make sense to most people but if I don't dress up @ work apparently you stand I have no choice right???
Then when the tricker treaters come to my door they are going to think some crazy cat & dog lady lives there. *sigh* BUT my dogs were SUPER cute & your ideas were PRICELESS.
I miss you.

teampischke said...

I have no idea how to grab this and out it on my blog... sorry...But it is cute...
hope you are well.