Monday, October 23, 2006

Super Size Me!

So, again that whole watching movies in class thing happened again today! This time I got to watch Super Size Me in Food and Consumer class. Lucky me I am in the same class tomorrow so I get to finish the movie. Wow, I knew that eating McDonald's was totally gross and awful for your body...and I don't really like eating there....but watching this guy eat there three times a day for 30 days is totally gross! UGH! He gained almost 15 pounds in two weeks, and his cholesterol (which was great to start with) skyrocketed! So unhealthy. Yeah, then I had to start thinking about me own cholesterol, weight, blood pressure and felt like I should be dead or something!

So YES I need to get up and start exercising and not eat at fast food restaurants. Warning--if you watch this be prepared for the honest truth!

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