Thursday, March 29, 2007

Banquet Begets Sermonette

Ok, so I have this bad habit of attending banquets and such and once hearing a great quote I start writing mini devotionals/sermonettes. Now, I don't consider myself a preacher, but the messages I write are great conversation starters.

I attended the Care Net Banquet tonight...CareNet is the opposite of Planned Parenthood. They are ProLife, while at the same time providing counseling and prayer for girls and guys when faced the prospect of an unplanned pregnancy.

One of the speakers gave a quote and was referencing the new movie "300". "300" is about the battle between the Persian army and the Spartans. At the time of the battle the Persian army had about 1 million men (yep, that is a lot), while the elite Spartan group had only 300! I'm thinking that the odds aren't too great here! This elite group of 300 men are the core army that the Persians had to get around before fighting the rest of the army. I'm sure you are thinking that it would be an easy task; however, the Spartans had better shields and lances, and more forward thinking in regards to battle. The amount of Persian men that died before conquering the Spartans is astronomical!

The leader of the Persian army (in the movie) said to the Spartan leader, "We will darken the air with Persian arrows."

The Spartan leader replied, "Then we will fight in the shade."

Here are my mini sermonette notes to ponder on:

The Spartans had an elite company of 300 men. I want to be a part of God's elite army. What steps do I need to take to be a part of this army?

1. Readiness: You need to be ready at a momen'ts notice to go into battle. When He says go, you need to be ready. There is no time to tie up loose ends and such. Jesus did the same when choosing His disciples. Some men wanted to go back and say goodbye to family members and such, God said, "No. Follow me now" (my translation).

2. Faithfulness: Do what He says, when He says and be reliant/dependent upon God and He will bless you for your faithfulness.

3. Eagerness: This eagerness is not an eagerness that pushes to the point of over zealousness that creates pride, and then eventually becomes our downfall. If you show a spirit of not wanting to go and would rather lag behind then what good are you going to be in battle?

4. Frontline Adventurer: Frontline adventurers are those who have a zealousness and passion for the cause. They are banded together in unity for a specific casue and go forth even knowing that death might be the end result.

Elitism is not necessarily a bad thing! When we hear the word elite, we think people that are the best of the best. When we hear the word elitism, we automatically make it a negative connotation and attach bad feelings towards it. Generally elitism are groups made of people who think that they are better than everyone else....the foundation for elitism is generally PRIDE. And we know that pride will get you no where. However, I believe that elitism doesn't have to have negative connotations, and that you can be a part of an elitist group without having pride. How unfortunate that we live in a day and age when we have ranked ourselves above others through the education we have, the jobs we have, our social standing, our political views, and even our religious views.

God has called us ALL to be a part of his army, however, I firmly believe that there is an elite group of men and women who are on the frontlines in front of everyone else. I would call them elitist! I want to be there. I believe that my decision to Go Deep this year is putting me on the front lines. I'm not saying it is easy, or that you are going to walk right through the battle...YOU"RE NOT! You will probably be injured, wounded, and quite possibly left to die....but thank God we serve a GOD who will not forsake us!

He is leading us, He is fighting along side of us, and He is bringing up the rear!


Anonymous said...

What a great post, SITSta. Why AREN'T you a minister?!??!!??!?!?!?

Betsy Eves @JavaCupcake said...

Great writing!!

BloggessJ said...


{leah} said...

Great post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Peeking in from SITS

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for sharing. That is really powerful.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Powerful Post...thanks for sharing! :)

Happy SITS Day! ;)

Preston said...

Your words certainly show your conviction to your faith. Happy SITS day.

Preston said...

And I wasn't going to say this but I can't help myself. There is a BIG difference between offering young people an alternative to abortion AND scaring/coercing them into having an unwanted child or worse yet passing legislation that denies them that choice. Care Net doesn't just offer alternatives, it fights against Planned Parenthood. It is an organization that I could never support.

Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

great post

Willo said...

Looks like you have a real talent for putting words together eloquently.

Jeanne Estridge said...

The eilite you describe are so because they're willing to put themselves out there and take risks -- like you're doing!

mommytoalot said...

Well written post!
Happy SITS day

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

Fantastic post!

Happy SITS day!

Erika said...

Wonderful post! And it's so great that there are organizations out there fighting against Planned Parenthood!!

Anonymous said...

You have a way with sharing your spirituality that is quite motivating. Very good post.

Amy said...

Amen, SITSta!

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

Great job!

Anonymous said...

Great, great post.

Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, maybe you should be a preacher! Care Net sounds like a great organization.

Vickie said...

Happy SITS day!

Sarah Suzy said...

I am really impressed with your writing! Happy Happy SITS day!

Charmaine said...

I've been writing a mini sermon in my head for about 7 years now. All from one thought someone else inspired. My goal is to finally write it down this year.

Girly Do Hairstyles said...

Beautiful. I love that you think this way and I wish I did (myself) more often.

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Ooh, that's good stuff. I'm afraid I'm pretty far from being elite in God's army, but I won't give up!

Ali said...

Wonderful post! Very well put!

Kate said...

This is a great post!

Kendra said...

Great post and happy SITS day!

JessicaMarie said...

Great post! I think eagerness is so important! We should be anxious to do the Lord's work!

Ronnica said...

This is a good post; I'm glad you included it!

Sarah J. said...

Amen! Good job for taking the path less traveled.

•´.¸¸.•¨¯`♥.Erin.♥´¯¨•.¸¸.´• said...

Good post, I've always thought of elitism as a negative. But your words opened up my definition for the word.

Enjoy your SITS day!

Reeni said...

Very well said!! An awesome post!! Happy SITS Day, Saucy Sits-er!!

Mrsbear said...

Congrats again on your feature and sauciness.

Sherrie said...

Great post. Very well written and "said." Happy SITS day to you!

Melinda said...

I hate to be a broken record but - Wonderful post! Happy SITS day!

Elizabeth M Thompson said...

We live in a time when all God's people need to take risks, be available and willing and not shrink back from the opportunity to stand firm for what we believe. Thanks for the encouraging post!

Tori C. said...

If not a preacher, at least be a Sunday School teacher or something -very inspiring!

Danyele Easterhaus said...

rachel ann...i love it! and on ur rt sidebar, you have a hokey pokey sign...that i have in my bathroom! i know, it's weird, but well, it's too funny!

Elaine said...

Rachel Ann, Thank you so much for including this post and mentioning a wonderful group like Care Net. I think only time will tell how much good these organizations do and how many lives they save! Loved your take on the concept of "elitist". The willingness to take a stand puts you in that group.

Michele said...

I admire you for speaking your mind. Your writing is wonderful. I had a friend in high school who became pregnant years ago. She had noone to talk to. She aborted when she was 6 months pregnant. It left her with scars. And, it scarred me, too.

Anonymous said...

Clearly, SITSta, you have a vocation to fall back on.

Heather said...

This is a very well written and interesting post! Thank you for choosing it as one of your featured posts today. I'm forwarding this link to some of my friends and family. Definitely food for thought. :)


Anonymous said...

What a great post! Your writing is interesting and beautiful.

Coffee with Cathy said...

A wonderful post. I hope you consider writing devotionals and Sunday-school lessons -- you're great at it.

Mimi said...

Great post, enjoy your SITS day!

RuensOnTheRun said...

Great inspirational post! Blessings!!

Anonymous said...

Very well written!

Leslie said...


- a SITSta

Anonymous said...

How great to be inspired and then to have a place to post it and share it with us...well done!

Anonymous said...

That was amazing...*standing ovation*

Michelle said...

The message is always there... it's just a matter of us finding it. Great view!

Eve said...

Very well said! And thoughts to ponder...

jubilee said...

Thanks for the great reminder.

Rhea said...

Sounds like you have a passion for this.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!

Michelle said...

Right on!