Sunday, April 01, 2007

We will return to our regular scheduled programming... weekend!

That's right, I will be gone all week (and this time with no public library handy). I am flying to Spokane tomorrow morning to visit my Grandparents. They will pick me up in Spokane and then we will head back to their house in LaCrosse, which is about 70 miles away. I love my grandparents, and I am so grateful to be able to spend the week with them. My grandfather has been fairly ill the last few years, and his health isn't the best right now. So, I decided to spend my Spring Break visiting them! Plus, I just love spending time with them....eating Grandma's cooking, listening to stories from my Grandpa and just hanging out.

So until next weekend, have a fantastic week!

1 comment:

Marcos said...

Have fun with your Granparents-Enjoy and cherish every moment.