Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My how time flies

Does it seem weird to anyone that Thanksgiving is a mere two weeks?? My oh my, where does the time fly? Alright, since you aren't ready to eat turkey just quite yet....

....we are having an auction on Friday night. Yes, I am a little stressed. I've been to auctions before, but I've never helped run one. We still have 16 tickets to selll to make our minimum (anyone want to come? Tickets are $35 a piece and includes dinner), we still are waiting on some items to arrive in the mail (if they don't by tomorrow I have to start doing some creative rearranging), I'm hoping what I am doing for check in and check out works well and doesn't cause long lines with stressed out people. Have I told you I am a little stressed about this?

I did work a half day today, that was a nice bonus. I say bonus like it is out of the ordinary for me to work. Sheessh....I guess it is out of the ordinary when I work, since I only had 12 days teaching last month! One part of me is kinda digging this whole not working every day, while the anal retentive side is screaming and bashing her head against the wall because a nice solid paycheck is coming all the time! Oh well, God will take care of that anal retentive side and banish her to outer borders of somewhere! Ask me in February if I'm panicking about money. That is when we are going on our mission trip and I will be gone for two and a half weeks...which means I obviously can't work! God knows, God knows!!!!! happy Thursday and I'll let you know on Saturday how I survived our auction!

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