Thursday, November 16, 2006

One Night With the King

I went and saw One Night With the King yesterday and wow, it was amazing! This is a movie about Queen Esther and how she defied protocol by entering the courts of her husband King Xerxes, and how in his mercy he extended his scepter to her which allowed her to fight for the lives of her people, the Jews.

It made me absolutely thank God as I was sitting in the theater that Esther realized that her place and timing in history was for such a time as that! As you read the Bible you sometimes don't get the internal struggle that those men and women went through when making decisions that affected the outcome of their lives, the lives of those around them, and in Esther's case the lives of an entire nation.

The movie also showed King Xerxes as a man who was searching for something more....something he wasn't sure that he could define, but knowing that he was searching for that thing that Esther had....the peace of God! Who knows, that might just be Hollywood; however, do we think about the other characters in the Bible? Do we think about whether they searched for God? Do we give any consideration that Xerxes might be in Heaven today because of Esther's commitment to God and her committment to her husband? It also showed the deep love that these two had for each other. Again, in all the reading of the Book of Esther, I always see Esther's role as simply that must be done in history in order to save her people. However, it really opened my eyes to see that she probably did end up loving her husband and wanting to honor him as well as God. In that honor of her husband, I'm sure that she wanted him to see who the true God was and that he would come to know the Savior! I know that movies that come out about Biblical times aren't always accurate; however, they give us a visual glimpse of what might have been. I will definitely be re-reading the Book of Esther with new eyes!

This is a must see movie!

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