Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Raggedy Ann

Dajia went dressed up as Raggedy Ann last night and she was so cute! She wore her hat most of the night.....but finally threw it over her shoulder as we were walking out the door. Camille tried to put a red nose and some freckles on, but she wasn't having any of that and off they came.

We had fun going through the Supermall. She wasn't quite sure what her pumpkin was for, and at first wasn't too sure why people were putting candy in it. But after awhile she started saying, "Trick or Treat", or some fair resemblance of that. There were a ton of princesses out last night, as well as some adorable monkeys and chickens! Oh the outfits you can buy for children 5 and under!

She was more excited to go on the carosuel ride that her daddy took her on just before we left. She didn't want to get off! She was holding on tight to the pole, and I could see her yelling at her dad as he was trying to convince her it was time to get off.

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