Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Patriarchs

So Marcie and I made an accountability pact this last week that we would start going to our church's women's bible study that was starting up tonight. We went, and found out that we will be studying The Patriarchs, a weekly study and video series by Beth Moore. Honestly, it started out a bit slow (especially after finding out that we had to pay $20 for the book) and we were having a hard time committing.....but our church's word of the year is "Go Deep!" we are GOING DEEP.....

....Yeah Marcie for making a hard decision to go deep with me. I apologize in advance for having to miss four weeks in a know those mission trips, they just get in the way of everything.

Encouragement for everyone else.....GO DEEP!

1 comment:

MKD said...

yes, I know it was a little dry for awhile there & I needed to get used to her style of writing, but we did it!
yes, I will try my hardest to be there all the 3 wks you'll be gone. Promise to keep going deep even during the dry parts!